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Business Continuity Overview

Course Title: Business Continuity Overview

Course ID: BCP OVR

Duration: 1/2 Day of instruction or variable

Cost: 500,00 CHF


This awareness class was developed to provide a basic understanding of The Professional Practices for Business Continuity Management and their proper application within a business continuity program. It is intended for all personnel, organizations and groups that require a primer in business continuity and business resiliency as a professional discipline.


– Review The Professional Practices for Business Continuity Management body of knowledge designed to assist in the development, implementation, and maintenance of business continuity programs.

– Highlight the terms and methodologies presented in The International Glossary for Resilience and the Professional Practices.

NOTE: This course does not prepare students to take the Qualifying Examination or apply for certification at any level. It is neither a replacement for any courses in DRI’s Continuity Track nor a line-by-line review of the Professional Practices. While there are no formal prerequisites, a base level of knowledge is preferred, and the Professional Practices should be read in advance.



Professional Practice 1: Program Initiation and Management

Professional Practice 2: Risk Assessment

Professional Practice 3: Business Impact Analysis

Professional Practice 4: Business Continuity Strategies

Professional Practice 5: Incident Response

Professional Practice 6: Plan Development and Implementation

Professional Practice 7: Awareness and Training Programs

Professional Practice 8: Business Continuity Plan Exercise, Assessment, and Maintenance

Professional Practice 9: Crisis Communications

Professional Practice 10: Coordination with External Agencies


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